New ETL concepts – AIA, BEP, IDS, LOD, COBie
26 February 2024As in work in our daily lives, we are constantly faced with questions of data validation and data-driven decision making.
We are faced daily with the need to make data-driven decisions. It is a process where every choice, whether strategic long-term or short-term operational, is based on statistics, information analysis and trends.
In our personal lives, just like in a company in any industry, data is used to make important decisions: when choosing a life partner or determining where to live, we unwittingly create in our minds a kind of two-dimensional table filled with various attributes. These attributes, be it the personal qualities of the partner or the characteristics of the location, play a key role in decision-making.

The choice of where to live, work or partner is based on individual attribute requirements
Using structured data and a structured view of requirements in both work and personal life, helps us make faster informed and satisfying decisions later.

Life situations, passing through attributive requirements to life entities, create a subjective point of view
A data-driven approach to decision making is common not only in the professional realm, but also in our personal lives:
- Data as the foundation (Extract): in business or in personal life, in both cases we are constantly in the process of collecting and analyzing information. At work, this can be reports and metrics, while in our personal lives it can be personal experience, parental advice, feedback and subjective research.
- Evaluation criteria (Transform): in professional environment or personal life we establish similar criteria by which we evaluate different choices. In business it could be KPIs and profitability metrics, and in personal life attributes such as cost, infrastructure for housing choice or satisfaction, charisma and many other criteria for choosing a partner for friendship or living together.
- Risk forecasting and analysis (Load): In both cases, we make a decision based on the data collected, which we pass through a filter of criteria and requirements, being subjected to an assessment of potential risks and possible consequences, just as decision-making takes place in the company's business processes.

Business and life in general is a series of data-driven decisions, where the quality of the data and the quality of theattribute requirements we use to make decisions are key
The decisions we make - from trivial preferences like what to eat for breakfast to significant life events like choosing a career or life partner - are inherently data-driven.
Everything in our lives is interconnected, and just as living organisms, including humans, follow the laws of nature as they evolve and adapt to changing conditions, so human processes, including our methods of collecting and analysing data, reflect these natural principles. The deep connection between nature and human activity emphasises not only our dependence on the world around us, but also our desire to use the laws of nature to our own advantage.
New technologies, especially in construction, are a prime example of how humankind is inspired by nature every time to create better, more sustainable and more efficient solutions.