RAG-ready data from Revit, IFC, DWG, DGN

Structured Data as DataFrame

Structured data, organized in columns and rows, has become the backbone of modern storage and analysis systems due to its orderliness and ease of processing.  For example, only one Pandas library that processes DataFrame data is loaded about 12 million times a day. Due to its popularity and ease of use, DataFrame has become the main format for data processing and automation in LLM tools. DataFrames also created by converting proprietary and parametric CAD formats (BIM) using the DataDrivenConstruction converter.

Using ChatGPT for CAD (BIM) 

Examples of using data after conversion in ChatGPT4

Quick QTO with Graph from Revit


Design ohne Titel (1)
find ids from column “Layer” with value “wall”. Get this IDs and find in ParentID. Than take for each group with ParentID column “Point” – x,y,z from each line. Plot separate polylines for each gr (3)
Group the data in Dataframe by "Type Name" while summarizing the "Volume" parameter and show the number of items in the group. And show it all as a horizontal bar chart without zero values

Plot Polylines from DWG


find ids from column “Layer” with value “wall”. Get this IDs and find in ParentID. Than take for each group with ParentID column “Point” – x,y,z from each line. Plot separate polylines for each gr (2)
Find ids from column “Layer” with value “wall”. Get this IDs and find in "ParentID". Than take for each group with "ParentID" column “Point” - x,y,z from each line. Plot separate polylines for each group based on "ParentID” and connects first and last points. Plot all lines with matplotlib without legend

Area Distribution By ObjectType For IfcSlab from IFC


IFC in dataframe and in Chat
IFC with ChatGPT into pie chart (1)
Take only the items that have Level 1 and Level 2 values in the "Parent" parameter and take the items that have IfcSlab values in the "Category" parameter, then group these items by the "ObjectType" parameter and sum the values in the "PSet_Revit_Dimensions Area" parameter and show them as a pie chart

Do BIM, openBIM, BIM Level 3, and noBIM actually exist
or are they marketing gimmicks?

Any business process in construction does not start with working in CAD (or BIM) tools. In any business process we first form the parameters of the task and define the requirements for future elements: we specify a list of entities, their initial characteristics and boundary values. This is usually done in the form of several columns of a table, database or lists of key-value pairs (step 1–2). These are the requirements for our project, which we get from various sources - from government standards to internal company rules, which are shaped by experience.

And only on the basis of these initial parameters, objects are automatically or manually created in CAD/BIM programs using API (step 3–4), after which they are again checked for comapliance with the initial requirements (5–6). This cycle — definition, creation, verification and correction (2–6) — is repeated until the data quality reaches the desired level for the target system — documents, tables or dashboards (7). If we consider CAD (BIM) as a way of transferring parameters, which are sets of keys and values originally generated outside the CAD environment (1-2), it becomes obvious that we are in fact working with a database of parameters (2-3, 5-6), which is augmented by various tools and at some point goes from simple requirements to a set of elements with parameters that in a CAD program are usually treated as a closed database.

Approaching BIM through the lens of this definition, we find principles similar to those used in data analytics as well as ETL (extract, transform and load data) processes. LLM tools such as ChatGPT, LLaMa will play a major role in this process of data extraction and validation, which are tailored to data analytics processes

video tutorial on using project data in ChatGPT

CAD (BIM) data processing in ChatGPT

DataFrame or column-based Data

A DataFrame is a way of organizing data into a table very similar to the one you might see in Excel. In this table, the rows are individual records or entities, and the columns are the various characteristics or attributes of these item-entities.

If we have a table with information about a construction project, the rows can represent the individual entities-elements of the project and the attributes-columns can represent their categories, parameters, position or coordinates of the BoundingBox elements.

Open Data Means Open Solutions

Harness the power of GitHub to bring transparency and flexibility to your processes

The transition from unmanaged data flow to its effective integration into business processes starts with converting data from closed formats to open formats. In information technology, open-source applications allow developers around the world to collaboratively improve software.

A major benefit of open data is its ability to remove the dependence of application developers on specific platforms to access data.

In the choice between open and closed data, experts obviously choose the open form of data, as is the preference for structured data in automation, processing and data warehousing processes (Figure 2.2-4). Open and structured data is often used by default in most systems because of its ease of processing and unambiguous interpretation, making it the most preferred type for communication and collaboration at the requirements and business process level.