Time resources of calculations for scheduling of works
22 February 20246D-8D from energy efficiency to safety assurance
22 February 2024A construction schedule is a visual representation of the plan for executing the various phases of a project. It is created from detailed calculations such as the one above, where each task-job is timed and sequenced.
To determine the dates for the construction schedule in a Gantt chart, we take the values of the time volume attribute for each item from the foundation block costing and multiply them by the number of blocks (in this case, concrete foundation blocks). This calculation gives the duration of each task. We then plot these durations on a timeline, starting from the project start date, to construct a graph and the result is a visual representation showing when each task should start and finish.
The schedule helps project managers and workers clearly understand when and in what sequence the various phases of construction should be performed, ensuring efficient use of resources and meeting deadlines.
Let's present the scheduling of work for the installation of three concrete foundation blocks using the costings from the table above, starting May 1, 2024.
Using the costing table from the example above, let's ask ChatGPT to schedule the installation of the 3 foundation block elements from the first of May 2024. In order to send the costings to ChatGPT, we can either upload the costings table in XLSX format or simply insert a screenshot of the costings. ChatGPT will independently find a library to visualize the graph and by multiplying the time attributes of works from table by their volume will add all the data into a graph.
❏ Text request to ChatGPT:
Construct a schedule of work using the costings from the table to install 3 pieces of foundation block beginning 01/05/2024. ⏎
➤ ChatGPT Answer:

The automatically generated schedule roughly shows the phases of construction of the three concrete blocks from May 1 through May 25, 2024, reflecting the duration and sequence of each work
The resulting graph is divided into horizontal bars, where each bar corresponds to a certain stage of work on the block. The colors distinguish the stages such as preparation, excavation, formwork, reinforcement, concrete pouring, finishing work and concrete curing. The duration of each stage is shown by the length of the corresponding-colored bar on the graph.
This schedule not only helps to estimate how long each phase will take, but also shows how work on one block overlaps with work on another. For example, when concrete pouring for the first block is finished, preparations for the installation of the second block begin. This scheduling method allows for optimal allocation of labor and equipment, reducing overall project completion time and improving site efficiency.
Using costing, we can, thanks to the attributes of volumes from 3D geometries, automatically calculate the time characteristics of groups in the form of tables or graphs for different project variants

Using automated costing with detailed work and time descriptions, estimates can be quickly calculated and cost and time estimates can be estimated for different variations of the same project
Modern ERP systems employ automated methods for calculating time, which substantially shorten the decision-making process. This enables swift and precise planning of work schedules and the computation of the total time required for completing project tasks.