Relational database RDBMS and SQL query language
18 February 2024Text data
18 February 2024Unstructured data in the construction industry represents information that is not organized according to a specific pre-defined structure. One of the key sources of such data are scanned documents, images and videos captured on construction sites: this data is critical for monitoring construction progress, monitoring safety compliance and analyzing work processes.
Internet of Things (IoT) devices that collect information on a variety of attributes such as temperature, humidity, noise levels and equipment location also provide a significant amount of unstructured data (being partly also semi-structured data). This data is critical for monitoring building operations and equipment performance.
It is the automated collection, processing, analysis of unstructured data and its integration into construction management processes that opens up opportunities to reduce the human factor in many processes that today involve a large number of managers and support staff.

The process of transforming unstructured data into useful information is one of the most complex and labor-intensive processes in data handling
Text data is also a type of unstructured data. However, we will separate this type into a separate category, given its widespread use and importance in the business processes of construction companies.